Blogs/EroG: Difference between revisions

7,461 bytes added ,  20 days ago
Added 17th June
(Added 17th June)
(18 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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====RECENT entries:-====
=====Monday 17th June=====
A ''very'' unwelcome rumor is circulating to the effect that FreeBklynDB, who is by far the most temperate superadmin in SoapBox, has stood down. If true, this is simply dreadful news: a real body-blow to the room. I think no more highly of any other superadmin, including the owner, Zen.
=====Thursday 9th May=====
SoapBox has gotten a little better in the last month or so, perhaps because Gaza has been quieter?
=====Thursday 28th March=====
I have been recovering from a minor surgery for the last fortnight, so not much is new PalTalk-wise for me. The quality of chat in SoapBox has deteriorated markedly in that time - entirely co-incidentally, obviously(!). Good people are just busy with the rest of their lives, I think. So be it.
=====Saturday 2nd March=====
The dust appears to be settling after the 'St. Valentine's Day massacre', although the admin-list remains locked-down (ie only room-owner Zen can promote and demote).  History teaches that this is not sustainable, hence this draft open letter:-
  ''Dear fellow SoapBox superadmin,''
  ''Briefly, I am writing because I believe that we are presently living on borrowed time: sooner or later SoapBox will become ungovernable in Zen's absence without the admin list being unlocked again.  I also believe that the only way to manage and sustain that change is to enforce collective responsibility among the superadmins. (NB: that's two beliefs so far - I'm counting.)''
  ''We have made a good start with the introduction of the 'one-shot' rule, ie one action per super per offense.  And understanding and acceptance of this principle has grown and is growing: good.  Next, perhaps, should be acceptance that individual supers must not create or remove other supers?''
  ''But: should we oblige Zen to manage the supers alone, or devise a quorum system, say?  My third belief is that a quorum, or qualified majority, or supermajority, or some such scheme will inevitably be needed for making decisions of this kind - if not in this case, then in others - as we continue to strengthen and grow our great chatroom.''
  ''I therefore hope you will find time to give these three beliefs some thought.  Best wishes, -Erot''
=====Sunday 18th February=====
I've done ''very'' little on the wiki for the last five weeks apart from maintaining the Movie Night page, mostly due to work commitments.  Meanwhile, the last few days have been tumultuous in Zen's Soapbox room: a double room-raid by a still-unidentified American** perpetrator stripping many superadmins of their hats has gone down in room history as the 'St. Valentine's Day massacre'; the aftershocks are still being felt, but a better regime seems to be rising from the ashes of the old, thankfully. Watch that space!
⟨⟨ **my conjecture, admittedly. ⟩⟩
=====Sunday 14th January=====
The Interwiki issue has now been fixed - at least for the time being. Apparently 'mh' is the language-code for Marshallese and this ambiguity was the cause of the problem.
=====Friday 5th January=====
A very strange issue has arisen wrt InterWiki links, see my question at <>; hunting-down the affected redlinks sounds like a complete pain in the arse to me :-(
=====Wednesday 3rd January=====
Christmas being over, I am ''slowly'' getting back into my coding-groove (see eg <[ this search tool]> and various notes at <>).
=====Thursday 14th December=====
I am ''swamped'' with work at the moment, so this blog is kind-of in abeyance.
BlueJaysGirl's Movie Might is now running ''thrice''-weekly (Tue, Thur, & Sat).
====OLDER entries:-====
=====Wednesday 29th November=====
Last night I showed an uploaded (to <[ pCloud]>) MPEG in BlueJaysGirl's Movie Might room for the first time. This makes it possible to show films that someone owns (on DVD, presumably) by ripping and temporarily uploading it to an online filestore.
=====Sunday 12th November=====
BlueJaysGirl's Movie Might is now running twice-weekly (Tue & Thur).
=====Wednesday 18th October=====
I've begun to maintain some '''''' subdomain shortcuts on DNS, for example:-
ch - User:Splat/Chat
dikt - ''''
dr - User:Erot/Daily
wh - User:Erot/Glossary
acrob - ''''
th - Talk:Main_Page
concord - Pal/SoapBox
fi - User:Splat/Rulesets
about-ch - Chatter_Splatters_talk:About
secretari - Chatter_Splatters_talk:Organization
form - Chatter_Splatters:Organization
proletari - Chatter_Splatters_talk:PalTalk
commissari - Chatter_Splatters_talk:PalFork
comb - Pal/Brutal
womb - Pal/Wombat ''(NB: also, temply, crav and pettico)''
pussyc - Pal/Movie
movie-ch - Chatter_Splatters_talk:Forums/Movie
cave - Chatter_Splatters:Copyrights
copyc - Chatter_Splatters_talk:Copyrights
=====Thursday 12th October=====
I spoke to Zen for over an hour yesterday about his room, the splat wiki, and how the latter might help improve the former. Subsequently, he provided me with content about his room (see <[[mh:splats:Pal/SoapBox|his roompage]]>) and created a Miraheze account for himself, too.
=====Sunday 8th October=====
After talking with BlueJaysGirl and texting with Zen, I have opened a new, second phase of the PalFork project aimed at soft-standardizing desirable norms and principles of well-run chatrooms. A fundamental early principle I have yet to air but intend strongly to advocate is what might be called free-movement inspired, I suppose, by the EU's 'four freedoms' - although I have only devised three:-
* The free-movement of people (between chatrooms).
* The free-movement of information (about chatrooms, eg publicity).
* The free-movement of (intellectual) capital.
The last of these is implicitly guaranteed by this wiki under CC0 unless explicitly over-ridden, and is intended to apply to eg rulesets, which are anticipated to evolve over time by the usual mechanism of selective replication.
=====Wednesday 20th September=====
For at least the next fortnight, I am more regularly updating <[[mh:splats:User:Erot/PalFork|my PalFork project page]]> than this one.
=====Friday 15th September=====
I have now raised a completely different, more pressing, support issue with MiraHeze: mysterious admin errors on the splats wiki; SSL is no big deal because this wiki isn't used anything like as much. Forums on splats seem to work, and I'm happy with my (very informal, so user-friendly) namespace design, too. The project organization can just sit it's damn ass down and wait.
=====Tuesday 12th September=====
Line 58 ⟶ 163:
I've been Paltalking a lot in the fortnight since I last blogged about it, mostly in 'Soap' because I'm feeling a bit underappreciated for my DJing efforts for Mix in her room; no doubt I'll get over it. Soap is much busier and Paltalk's limits as an app have become much more apparent as a result. A number of the feelings I have about the whole thing amount to a hankering for a better Paltalk, which simply won't happen. But, despite the app being something of the order of two decades old, getting room rules right seemingly remains an unsolved problem, astonishingly. To my knowledge, Soap's owner, 'Zen' (=zenmaster555; and yes, the '555' bit does refer to the timing IC), has not sought seriously to engage with people to attack the difficulties but, of course, I am not in a position to assess what his inner-circle are saying about it - or even who is a member of it apart from 'Sharticus', his apparent 'enforcer'. So I'm giving all this much thought in the hope of approaching Zen with a more comprehensive approach than the one-or-two limited suggestions I've made so far.
====OLDER entries:-====
=====Monday 31st July=====
Line 276 ⟶ 377:
the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order
that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish."
======Frederick Douglass======
There can be no right of speech where any man, however lifted up, or however humble, however young, or however old, is overawed by force, and compelled to suppress his honest sentiments. Equally clear is the right to hear. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it would be to rob him of his money.