
From Rabid Reaction Force

A PalTalk user blog (see also

by PalTalk 'nic' EroticGuy-CleanLanguagePlease

<> links here, btw.
Wednesday 12th April
 Angelikka came in to vent earlier: “I just got called a nut-job by a whore named Bianca.  She will probably come here next and score a fucking hat.  Half the people [with] hats are enemies of the truth. Room owners let the disruptors prosper.  When the shit hits the fan and mega die [millions die?] they will feel sorry.”  I had a podcast on so I missed AwfulRuse’s reply on the mic, but it prompted her immediately to inveigh against a un-named “big, ugly troll.  I can’t stand him.  He follows me around rooms too.  So many p[a]edo[e]s knights!!!!  FFS, it is the ‘it’ people’s agenda: that of the Andromedans - neither male or female.  [An] anti-life agenda waged by those of dead man’s land.”  Relenting slightly, she allowed “But he was made evil at the point of a gun.  He had to show loyalty.  [Ron] Desantis is [a] Jesuit groomed one.  Blackmail material.  That’s how they have controlled politics - the swamp.  Insanity reigns.  The crazies are in high chairs, and we that expose them get called crazy. At least we is (sic) not wimps, sitting quiet[ly].  We make p[a]edo[e]s sick lol.”  Becoming momentarily philosophical, Angelikka mused that “When Evil is not Exposed, it grows in Magnitude” before giving an example: “They tried that with me.  I beat them with scriptures.  They wouldn’t let me sleep.  The Number 1 asset Scum Bag elites have is the Adrenalized Blood ‘youth elixir’ of elites, [the] blood of tortured children.  If people don’t wake up en mass[e] the children of the world will suffer,” she warned.  Plainly anxious now, his OffalNess pleaded, “DID YOU GET THE VIDEOS?”  Let’s hope not, aye?
Tuesday 4th April 2023
 We had a great weekend in Mix's P&P** room; it was like one of those three-night parties that waxes and wanes and jumps right up off the floor just when you thought it was finally winding down.  I had a riot, laughed my head off at times, and invented a new game, viz:-
 ⟨⟨ **Power and Politics - a PalTalk chatroom run by TheMixGirl (aka TheMix, aka Mix). ⟩⟩
 Forget SnapChat, folks; ChatSnap is PalTalk Solitaire.  Now, just imagine the scene.  You’re sitting at a bar, low on cash but long on luck because the guy next to you seems just delighted to buy endless drinks for anyone who’ll listen to his lunatic conspiracy theories.  If you keep him talking, the drinks keep coming!  What could be simpler?!?
 The trick is to convince him you’re paying attention.  For example, suppose he mentions the ‘Illuminati’ while he’s condemning the fourth Vatican council.  You figure he’s bound to mention them again later, so you SETUP ‘Illuminati’ by saying “The Illuminati, huh?”  When he returns to the subject a little later, you SPOT it by saying “Illuminati, right.”  Now, as you might have guessed, the third time’s the charm.  Get this:  When he invokes the Illuminati yet again, later, having dropped the subject in the meantime, you get to SCORE Illuminati by saying “Illuminati: right, right.”  And the stupid fucker buys you another drink.
 After each SCORE you have to wait for it to come around again.  Then you can RESET Illuminati by saying “The Illuminati again, huh?”  After that, you can SPOT it and SCORE it another time before you RESET it again for yet another go.  And the best news?  There’s no limit to how many different concepts and phrases you can play at the same time, just as long as you can keep track of them all in your head.  (Hint: when you’ve completely lost track of all of them, it’s time to call a cab.)
Thursday 30th March 2023
 Last night was very busy in the Power-and-Politics chatroom, a welcome change from Tuesday night's moribund nothingburger of a conversation.  Less happily, an absolutely inordinate amount of time was wasted discussing the dreaded 'N'-word, during which the word itself was spoken more times than I have ever heard since 'Fear of a Black Planet' came out.  This became the cause of much rancour and exposed a very unpleasant and vindictive side of one room administrator, 'RealityIsHidden', whom Mix unaccountably chose that very night to elevate to the designation of 'super admin', one having the power to demote other users.  Perhaps 'RiH' was having an unusually bad day, but this seemingly bizarre decision made me rather doubt Mix's own character judgement although, naturally, as a relative newcomer I shall certainly withhold mine own for the time being.
 Then and later, I found myself repeatedly having to take sides to defend another admin, a Ms Jettie Timbs, who took a great deal of flak from several others including RiH and a couple of rather absurd White Nationalists (Supremacists?) called 'Eleven Four' and 'P229', one of whom (for representative example) unapologetically referred to Western Civilisation as "the White West," ridiculously.  In something of a first - at least, in recent years - 11-4 also accused me of being a "Leftist" which, of course, I had a bloody good laugh about; I'm not exactly famous for espousing politico-economic views more radical than those of (say) Tony Blair, after all.  But I suppose to a conservative all radicals are leftists just as, as the Persians have it, "At night all cats are grey."
 I have written no erotica for a week, so I've decided to try warming-up by writing about writing about it.  Something that amuses me slightly about myself is my attitude to breasts: simply put, I seem to be a lot keener on the word than the object(s).  For the word, I just adore that delicious T'SS-T'SS double plosive-sibilant at the end: even in the singular the sound is pleasing to the ear; in the plural it's irresistible.  But, for breasts themselves, for a start I invariably feel pity rather than attraction for ladies obliged by nature to navigate the world with a substantial bosom; such as it matters to me at all, my ideal partner fills a B-cup at most.
 Nevertheless, it's true that I am anything but indifferent to naked breasts; however, my attitude is completely different depending on whether the lady is fully nude (which I would tend to interpret sexually) or merely topless, which for me is a gesture of freedom rather than desire.  Compelling ladies to tether-up on sunny beaches for example - as the Americans tend to do - seems just bizarre, and I've been on dancefloors where the sheer heat more-or-less forces both sexes to strip down from the waist up, as it were. Nobody, or nobody worth bothering with, pays the least attention to bouncing breasts in such circumstances: hard dancing is hard work - which is just as it should be.
 The sexual breast also gestures freedom: it retains the sense of "I am this way because I'm free to be so;" implicitly: I'm safe to be so.  The sexual breast is the breast that trusts, rather than invites; nudity invites, in that sense.  This, indeed, is why I so much deplore the present fashion for ladies entirely to shave their pubises; why on God's earth deprive yourself of the strongest visuo-sexual signal in the female armoury, girls?  (In contrast, by all means trim back your vulva; no-one loves picking hairs out of their teeth - which tends to ruin the moment, too.)
 And, finally - to complete the survey - it is the post-sexual breast that is the tactile (rather than the visual) breast: the sated male lovingly cups a satisfied partner's soft hemisphere with his gentle hand in the sublime tenderness of afterglow - which is also just as it should be.
Tuesday 28th March 2023
 First, the boring bit:-
 I dug out my Samson mic yesterday and got it working just enough to record an iPad voice memo, albeit via the headphone monitor circuit rather than the USB output; capturing the latter digitally probably involves learning more about Linux kernels than I'd ever wish to know, and it would almost certainly be quicker to stay with analogue and solder something together - which may yet happen later this week.  Alternatives include getting PalTalk itself working on Linux, presumably inside PaleMoon, or revisiting my MotoG8 to see if PalTalk will run within a browser on that.
 Enough.  Second, and more interestingly:-
 Building on my success yesterday, today I played a few seconds from a fifteen minute YouTube clip through a speaker set close to the Samson mic, recording it to check the quality (which seemed fine).  I then played the entire clip to 'President Jacob', a Power-and-Politics regular, who recognised it as Mark Levin - Levin was reading his monologue from his Sunday show on Fox News two days ago; I picked it out because his focus was China.  So it seems I can broadcast speech-clips intelligibly to PalTalk rooms, which should be very useful if I stick with the platform.
 For the record, the Mark Levin clip was <>, also available at <>
Sunday 26th March 2023
 In the penultimate week of March 2023 I found an interesting PalTalk chatroom called 'Power and Politics' owned by a mid-thirties Houston lady, 'TheMixGirl', who's been using PalTalk for three years - so almost exactly three years more than me; I'd only joined it a week earlier.
 Newbie that I was (and am), I must have done something right because she 'hatted' me the next day, making me a full member of the group running the room.  I can only assume this was because I was clearly engaging in good faith, as usual.  (How else can I save the West?)
 Nevertheless, we hit a couple of roadblocks right away: apparently I'll need to have a microphone (ie headset, presumably) in order to contribute/assist properly and fully in the room. My initial keen-ness to help therefore suffered a setback when I discovered that the PalTalk app isn't available on my (recently inherited) MotoG8.
 The second hitch is that I don't really know what Ms Mix's ambitions and plans for the room are.  Accordingly, I'm gonna have to think of a way of quizzing her about this without making a pain in the ass of myself because I've little doubt that she's equally as busy a little bee as the rest of us are these days.
 The mic issue is on my MADE** list so I should either resolve that this week or have ordered a gadget that will on Amazon by the end of it.  The goal issue can wait until I've figured out how to accumulate intellectual capital on/by PalTalk, probably via the RRF*** wiki, which is the obvious place to set-up a project page.
 ⟨⟨ **Make A Daily Effort; ***Jen Seitz's 'Rabid Reaction Force' at <>. ⟩⟩